This release is a brief analysis of the current labour market situation as it provides the most recent and comprehensive data of the working age population. It provides input for analysing the labour market situation, policy formulation as well as planning, implementing and monitoring programmes related to human resource development.
Statistical Release IV: Employment – Dhivehi
Statistical Release IV: Employment – English
Download PDF: Employment Leaflet
Table EC1: Resident Maldivian population 15 years and over by economic activity status, sex and locality, 2006 and 2014
Table EC2: Resident Maldivian population 15 years of age and over by economic activity status, sex, age and locality, 2006 and 2014
Table EC3: Resident population 15 years of age and over by economic activity status, sex and locality, 2014
Table EC4: Resident foreign population 15 years of age over by economic activity status, sex and locality, 2014
Table EC5: Resident Maldivian population outside the labor force 15 years of age and over, by main reason for not working, locality, age and sex- 2014
Table EC6: Number of employed resident population 15 years of age and over by industry, sex and locality, 2014
Table EC7: Number of employed resident Maldivian population 15 years of age and over by industry, sex and locality, 2014
Table EC8: Number of employed resident foreign population 15 years of age and over by industry, sex and locality, 2014
Table EC9: Number of employed resident population 15 years of age and over by occupation, sex and locality, 2014
Table EC10: Number of employed resident Maldivian population 15 years of age & over by status in employment, locality, age & sex
Table EC11: Number of employed resident foreign population 15 years of age & over by status in employment, locality, age & sex
Table EC12: Number of employed resident Maldivian population by status in employment, industry, sex and locality
Table EC13: Number of employed resident foreign population by status in employment, industry, sex and locality
Table EC14: Number of employed resident Maldivian population by status in employment, occupation and sex
Table EC15: Number of employed resident foreign population by status in employment, occupation and sex
Table EC16: Number of employed resident Maldivian population by industry, occupation, sex and locality
Table EC17: Number of employed resident foreign population by industry, occupation, sex and locality
Table EC18: Number of employed resident Maldivian population by industry, type of establishment, locality and sex
Table EC19: Number of employed resident foreign population by industry, type of establishment, locality and sex
Table EC20: Number of employed resident Maldivian population by occupation, type of establishment, locality and sex
Table EC21: Number of employed resident foreign population by occupation, type of establishment, locality and sex